What is OldSchoolBMXTV? It was an accident, well let’s start at the beginning…

Back in the 80's, I rode my bike everywhere like most young kids, but around 1985, my Dad took my Brother and me to a local Mart called "I-95 Marketplace" Inside were many stores, but one stood out to my Brother and me, a Bike Shop!

Charlie's Bike Shop became a staple in our life. We got our first Freestyle Bikes there (GT Pro Performer for me and my Brother got a Hutch Trick Star) Later on we both went on to work and Ride for the Shop.

Although Charlie passed in 1994, he made a HUGE impact in my youth.

Now today I am 50 and reconnected with my Freestyle / Riding Past. I found all my old Pictures, Magazines, Video's and still to this day have my 1988 Haro Master Team Model.

Working in IT professionally now for over 20+ years, once I found my stuff again (Was not lost, all at Mom’s House in storage), I decided to start digitizing everything.

The Goal is to build the most comprehensive archive to date.

Now, I am sure some of you will say: “You’re missing issues…” All in due time. Remember, these are all the originals that I bought back when I was like 14 / 15 / 16 years old. Did not always have money back then and at times when I did, by the time I got done school and went to the shop, they were sold out.

You can access them through the through the Magazines|Video link.

Have and idea? There are certainly ways you can help, head over to the Contact section!

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Landing Page Photo: Dennis McCoy at the Tucson, Arizona AFA in 1988: Courtesy and Permission from Bill Batchelor from his book - Concrete and Smog