Convert my VHS to Digital Radness

Do you have some VHS Tapes in storage? Do any of them have OldSchoolBMX Radness (AFA Comps, Team Shows, Etc.), on them? If so, I have a deal for you.

I want your VHS Tapes! That’s right, and I will convert it for FREE!

All you have to do is fill out the form below. On the confirmation page, you will see a shipping address (You will also get an email)

Now, here’s the catch… All submitted tapes will be hosted on the OldSchoolBMXTV YouTube Channel! You will get full acknowledgment on the video and a download link to get a copy of your video as well.

Once the tape is received, you will be notified as to when your video will be converted and approximately when it will debut on the OldSchoolBMXTV YouTube channel!

If you are concerned about tapes being returned, there is part of the form asking what your preference is.


OldSchoolBMXTV takes no responsibility for any damage or loss due to shipping
Always use shipping methods that provide tracking/insurance