BMX Action: (1976 - 1989)

Steve Giberson: Oz (Bob Ozborne) had a "vision" of what the industry would be like in a few years. He used the motorcycle industry as a comparison, where there were originally many companies, including the European brands like DKW, Monarch, Maico, Montesa, Bultaco, etc., plus the Japanese brands. He figured that BMX would narrow down to a few major players, and devised a plan. He went to four of the major companies, and told them that if they advertised a certain amount per issue, maybe 4-5 pages, that they would get the dominant editorial coverage. It was promised to them. Honestly, I wasn't too psyched about the idea, but I had to play along, it was his magazine. Anyway, the first issue came out, and it had a lot of GT in it. The next issue came out, and it had a lot of Hutch. All of a sudden, every other company is complaining, and it was all my fault. I don't think I was there much longer after that.

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